Bob's Eye View

Perfecting The Process is a life long process. Here is commentary on perfecting internal - external and all the life force processes that make life what it is ... and isn't.

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Location: Algonquin, Illinois, United States

Communication and creativity are major themes in my life and work. Creative, Strategic, and Intuitive, I make the complex understandable, practical, and applicable.

Sunday, January 08, 2006

On Purpose

The turn of the year is a great time for reflecton. My suspicion is that we don't do that much reflecting nor, perhaps, know how to do it. Reflection? Is that the same as thinking about? Not for me. Reflection is a process of reviewing a process while paying attention to the feelings and needs that are resonant with those reflections. Is what we are doing meeting our needs and the needs of others? Important questions because life processes are about meeting needs. Not wants. Needs.

As we shine our minds eye on the important processes of the past year or so, work, family, personal and intrapersonal relationships, just listen. Listen with an emotional ear. Let those feelings put you in touch with your deeper needs. Give yourself time for this. Get away. Be quiet. Let your daily life rest for a minute. Go deeply to feel and listen. What needs were met by your previous activities. Yours and others? What needs were not met because you were not aware of them? What needs were not met because you didn't think they were important?

What if we started off this year with a new presupposition of life? That everyone's needs could be met. What if you entered each situation and process of your life "as if" this were possible?

Consider how different we might behave with ourself and others if we were operating from a needs consciousness. How rich life might be if we were really experiencing it. To do so requires introspection and reflection. As our buddy Socrates says, "Know thyself." (Needs - Feelings) I add to that, know thy others.

In Peace, Bob |


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